Donation Requests

Policy & Procedure

The Prince George Airport Authority (PGAA) responds to donation requests from charitable and non-profit organizations to assist with their fundraising efforts, in exchange for promoting Prince George Airport (YXS) at events. The Prince George Airport Authority helps raise thousands of dollars for charities and benefits every year because we feel it is important to give back to the communities in which we serve.

While the Prince George Airport Authority recognizes a commitment to charitable concerns, the volume of donation requests we receive on an annual basis has required us to limit the donation requests we fulfill each year. Due to the high volume of requests received on a ongoing basis, we can only support community events within the Province of British Columbia. Please note, the Prince George Airport Authority does not provide monetary donations of any kind, nor do we donate flight vouchers.

Although our policies allow us to be generous, submitting a request does not guarantee your organization will receive a donation. In an attempt to help the greatest number of people, the Prince George Airport Authority may only provide each organization with one donation per year, subject to availability.

What Items are Offered?

The Prince George Airport Authority provides Prince George Airport (YXS) branded merchandise which include, but are not limited to branded stationary, lanyards, coffee mugs, stickers, colouring books, and Amelia Bearheart stuffed bears. Items donated are determined at the discretion of the Prince George Airport Authority.

Procedure for Donation Requests

Charities and non-profit organizations that are interested in requesting a donation item from the Prince George Airport Authority must follow the procedure outlined below. Please be advised that no third-party requests will be approved.

  • Requests must be received two weeks in advance of need;
  • Donation requests must be submitted via our online Donation Request Form or mailed to us (our address is listed below) on your organization’s letterhead.

For those submitting their request by mail, please address it to:

Prince George Airport Authority
Attn: Chrisie Berry
10 – 4141 Airport Road
Prince George, BC
V2N 4M6

Make sure you include:

  • the organization or association’s name and full address;
  • the contact person’s name, email address and phone number;
  • event information including the event name, date, description, location, benefactor and estimated number of guests at event.

Our community relations department diligently reviews each and every request and will make contact with your organization if we are able to support your event.

Thank you for thinking of us!

Donation Request Form

  • Fields marked with an asterisk are required.
  • After successfully submitting the form, you will be linked to a separate thank you page.
  • Organization Information

    Tell us about your organization

  • Organization Contact

    Tell us who we can contact and provide their contact information.

  • Event Information

    Tell us about your event.
  • Please specify the month in two digits, the day in two digits, and the year in four digits.

  • Finish Form and Submit

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